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The THRIVE Way is our philosophy and values in action. It describes the mindset, practices, attitudes, and approach we use to operate and provide exceptional service to our residents and the characteristics of our culture and work environment.

Our Core Values at T.H.R.I.V.E are derived from two frameworks.

Team T.H.R.I.V.E Core Values + The THRIVEWay Principles of Care


The belief that someone or something can be relied on to do what they are supposed to do, when they are supposed to do it. 


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At T.H.R.I.V.E, our brand of service provision promotes individual safety, growth and goal attainment. In conjunction with our trained team of direct support professionals, our positive environment aims to encourage individuals to live to their highest capacity. Our positive approach is the primary focus of our overall culture, supporting individual growth and ensuring they feel safe and comfortable.


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The Thrive Way includes a heavy emphasis on individual input and includes their idea of what support for them is and how T.H.R.I.V.E. can best support the person first. Our focus is about what individuals can do and desire to do. Our approach reflects the individual's aspirations and is tailored to their needs and unique circumstances.


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The Thrive Way encourages independence with life as a key piece of providing exceptional care services and enlivening home life. While most believe independence is the ability to take care of yourself at home, T.H.R.I.V.E includes experiencing the things that make life fulfilling and purposeful like physical activity, healthy dieting, and social interaction.


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T.H.R.I.V.E understands the complexity of living with disabilities and is aware that support comes from multiple people, family, providers, and specialists. Our brand of care aims to synchronize multiple sources of information seamlessly through honesty and above-average responsiveness.


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Freedom, choice, and control are important to living with dignity. Our approach emphasizes the individualized care provision that we want for ourselves and our families. We encourage and support individuals to make their decisions about their own life. This means providing the support and information to individuals when making decisions.



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One of a more subtle feature found in our care provision is the emphasis on family values in home. While we understand and respect that each individual's view on family differs, we believe that the treatment, care, and general approach, grounded by traditional family values, leads to more fulfillment and helps build relationships on those values.


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Our brand of service provision to individuals encourages individuals to explore social opportunities, develop meaningful social relationships and communal ties, and celebrate important moments and each individuals' life.

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